Sunday, January 18, 2009

Monday, January 5, 2009

Post-Christmas Mayhem!

...and good riddance! It was a joyous season, but we're glad it's over. This kids been on a wild ride, staying up late, Christmas afer Christmas, present after present! Haha!

Em in the tub the other day. My little cutie man! What a little performer we have on our hands. He has been singing full songs, and is even starting to sing in tune now! Since he has mastered the full ABC song in English, he has now moved onto the spanish ABC's and other more complex songs. He also has moved past shapes like circle and square and now is on to "parallelogram", "trapezoid" and hexagon. I will capture this on video soon and post. He is just too smart for his little britches! :)

And...he is a little daredevil lately. Looks like someone shares mommy's obsession with cold water in her youth!

Emmett has been cracking us up lately. He is saying all sorts of things that surprise us--and we can't figure out where he's picked them up. One of his favorite new phrases is: "OH, come on now!" Haha!

He had a great Christmas and he is such a spoiled child. How lucky he is to be so surrounded with love and generosity! Here he is with Amelia (Roger and Julianne's little girl). He wanted her to come and walk with him...too cute!


Grandmas and Grandpas spoiled him rotten this season. He's also developed quite the sweet tooth (we went through this over Halloween) and seems to want to survive on chocolate. Speaking of eating, we had an interesting conversation regarding the bird and the cat the other day. I was explaining to Emmett that he shouldn't put his hands into the bird cage because by lifting the gate, he was risking the bird getting out. I explained that if the bird got out without mommy to help, the kitty could eat the bird. He thought about that for a second or so and then called out to our tomcat, "BILLY! TIME TO EAT!!!!!!!!"


Here Emmmett is at the playland at the mall. He just loves to play with the other kids!


And finally, a few goofy videos. Hope you enjoy! :)