Sunday, November 1, 2009

Emmett is three!

Life is so busy these days. I just can't believe how long it's been since our last entry!

Fall is off to an awesome start; the weather here has been mild and the school season brought new classes for me and Em's first year at preschool! Though he's only there a day or two per week while I'm working about twenty feet away, I couldn't ask to be a part of a better program and he just loves it. We also have a few friends that join us every week at our house for home daycare, so Emmett has grown so much socially in the past few months. It is truly amazing to watch. While he is certainly an indulged "only child" (and may be that way forever!), it makes our hearts so glad to see him being a kind friend. He has trouble sharing at home with his buddies sometimes, but he is such a generous little man for the majority of his day. He loves his friends with all of his heart and talks about them all the time.

At school, his teachers report that he is the best "cleaner upper" and direction follower they have! He is the first to pick up toys, use his manners, and line up at the playground. (Insert gigantic sigh of relief here. Haha!) Naturally, he wears out the stored up "brattiness" on Mom and Dad. :) As soon as he wakes up in the morning, he asks to see his best friends. Often times when they aren't joining us, he starts the day off with a good cry. Haha! Pictured to the left is one of Em's besties, Miss Bailey. Two fiery red heads with big hearts for eachother!

Emmett is growing taller everyday and seems like he is heading down the "long and lean" road, like his daddy! He is hanging tight at around 35 lbs, in a 3T clothing, and I'm not sure how tall he is, but we'll be finding out at his 3 year old doc's appointment coming soon. He is the master puzzler--I'm proud to say that he is also sight reading around 30 words, and smart as a whip. It amazes me the things that he retains. I believe he is going to be a piano player as he spends a lot of time plunking and singing away out there on the porch with the old upright.

The hair is still mighty red and curly and doesn't seem to be going anywhere, anytime soon. The strong will has not ceased in accompanying it. :)

Em announced he was going to be a skeleton for Halloween this year, but trick or treating didn't go so well. Carmen and I limited his looting to a few blocks because he was grumpy from the excitement of his birthday weekend and being a little bashful to the people doling out the goods!

We feel so entirely blessed to have such a unique and bright little boy. It seems impossible as a new mom to believe that you could possibly love your children any more than the day you deliver them--but the phenomenon is now a normal part of life for me. Every day I wake up I thank God to have such a miracle in my life and I know Emmett's daddy feels the same way. We love him so much!

Thanks for sharing his birthday with us! Special thanks to those who spoiled our little monkey with thoughtful gifts and cards. Check out the video "montage" of his birthday celebrations below. We love and miss all of you!
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Turn your speakers on to hear the videos and music!