Thursday, June 25, 2009

Imaginary friends, using the potty and in general, terrible twos!

Hi everyone! Sorry it's been so long since our last update.

Emmett has been very busy performing death defying acts, like our first black eye pictured here:

He is also a bit of a showboat on his Power Wheels motorcycle; apparently just riding it isn't cool anymore. Haha!

New things are happening everyday--lately, Emmett has been discovering the joys of imaginary friends. He tells us that he has a little rabbit in his hand that is his friend, and he will ask you to hold it for him. Tip: Don't forget you have the imaginary rabbit in your hand. Trouble will ensue. :) He also loves doing puppet shows for us.

Emmett is such a sharp little man. He is beginning to tell tall tales. Today, on the way to the store, he said "Mom, remember the time I was swimming and a shark bit my arm? And you were so sad? Because you get sad when sharks bite me." To which I replied, "I guess I would be sad if a shark bit you!" HAHA. The kid is starting to fib and rationalize bad behavior. His manipulative skills scare me already!

We're on a Disney/Pixar kick over here, it's a different movie every couple of days to be repeated obsessively. Right now it happens to be "James and the Giant Peach" and "The Nightmare Before Christmas". (Shhh....don't tell anyone, I know it's not age appropriate.) Emmett happens to have the entire musical score memorized though. He sings it all the time...too cute!

I can't believe that once the summer ends, we will be quickly looking at being parents to a three year old. Time is flying by, and much to my dismay, I can't take the pictures or the mental snapshots quick enough. So I apologize for the blog slipping through the cracks for the last 3-4 months...I've been swimming in the pool, wiping ice cream drips, laying in the grass and telling my son all of the stories I've long since committed to memory since my own childhood...and loving every moment of it. :)


Erica said...

you and emmett together are so cute channy!love erica

Grandma said...

I love your pool picture Emmett. Grandma just loves to see you swimming!

erica said...

hey that party was so rad I loved it did you Emmett...!